Monday, January 7, 2008

My Workout (1st 6 weeks)

As I've blogged about on my main blog, I'm now a firm believer in keeping your workout routines as simple as can be. I believe I heard Steve Cotter say that we should strive to do few things very well than many things half-assed. When I look back on my workout routines, I definitely resembled the "half-assed" part. Man, I've used free weights, machines, and have done full-body, split, push/pull, HIT, and you can add any other workout acronym that you can think of.

Now, I'm going to focus doing a few things very well to achieve the physique I want. OK Fellas, I have a little confession to make. Although I'm using my hero, Eugene Sandow as motivation for the next 12 weeks, I don't want to be a bodybuilder. Having 18 inch biceps and calves (DAMN!) and a 48 inch chest is not something I'm really interested in. My goal is to be lean and shredded at 185.

Basically, I'm going for the physique of a sprinter, gymnasts, or MMA fighter: lean, muscular, and strong! To accomplish this, I've decided to do a fullbody bodyweight routine, using 1-2 min rounds instead of reps and sets, on MWF, and I will do a fullbody kettlebell routine, using traditional reps ( no more than 6) and sets (no more than 3), on TuTh. No cardio in the traditional sense, just leisurely walks on the weekend with a cutie.

OK, here is the list of exercises I'll perform:

Mon & Fri - Bodyweight only exercises
A1 - dips / A2 - chinups/pullups
B1 - squats / B2 - lying pelvic tilts
C1 - AIA (Ass in Air) / C2 - straight leg lifts
A1 - BW rows / A2 - push-ups (various types)
B1 - plyometric squats / B2 - BW sumo squats
C1 - Ab wheel / C2 - ab vacuums

- KB training
A1 - Relaxed Military Press / A2 - KB Renegade Rows
B1 - Swings / B2 - Suitcase squats/lunges
C1 - Russian twists w/KB / C2 - slow & controlled situps

And that's all folks. No supersets, drop sets, or escalating reps, etc. My main focus is being able to master my own bodyweight! When you sit back and think about it, shouldn't this be everyone's goal, at least in the beginning? I could care less about how much you can bench if you can't do 20 consecutive chin or pullups. Hey, I can only crank out 12, so I have my work cut out for me and look forward to the challenge.

I'll post the diet I'm going to follow either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for your support . . .

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